Monday 11 April 2016

How to play Playstation 4 / XBox for 20 hours continuously?

Many people want to learn how to play PS 4 and XBox on their PC, Mobile or iPhone while some people want to understand how they could play these two uninterruptedly for hours. While any stupid and crap technology website will give answer to the first question, second one needs an expert's opinion. Our technology expert Marc Zuckerburg will help you in answering the second question

Steps to improve stamina for PS 4 and XBox

·         You need two days of preparation.

·         On first day, create a to-do list for next day, sleep early and wake up early next day.

·         As a chain PS 4/XBox player you must be a near brother of owl but you have to understand that waking up early is prominent here

·         So sleep whatever time but wake up around 5 am in the morning. To wake up early, watching Donald Trump's photo before sleeping may help you. If you are Indian, dream like Rahul or watch KRK's photo. People from other countries may watch weirdo of their respective nations.

·         As soon as you wake up at 5 am, just run to the toilet before occupying it anybody else. Give a nice time to let the things go out of your body. Because its 5 in the morning you will have sufficient time.

·         Bathing is not necessary

·         Bring a saline from the neighboring medical store, put fruit juice/beer/milk or anything you want into it. Properly fit that saline to a metal rod near your computer

·         Now inject that saline into your body, whether into your arm, hand or your ass

·         Give your Mumma the schedule to follow - 9 am apple juice in the breakfast, 12 pm vegetable soup in lunch, 5 pm some coffee/tea, 9 pm manchow soup

·         This way your family, friends, relatives and your sleep will not disturb you from playing PS 4

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