Monday 11 April 2016

Shoe thrown at Arvind Kejriwal; shoe companies fight claiming it was their brand

A fight among the large shoe companies to take credit has emerged after a guy of Aam Aadmi Sena hurled a shoe at Aam Aadmi Party Chief and Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal.

"We designed that shoe," said Director of Bata India "Our shoe is designed to work well in such attacks. It creates high decibels of noise after it hits on the target so that people know it has touched the target. Our sources at the event confirmed that after the shoe touched its target it created a strong noise."

According to the management of Mirza International, another leading shoe company, the shoe carries a tag of Red Tape.

"We zoomed out that shoe and found it was perfectly our shoe. We have designed that model which fits into attacker's legs and on the face of the target. These models are developed in such a way that people could see them through their naked eyes," Mirza's official confirmed.

These shoe companies plan to go to court to get the legal stamp on their claim for 'that' particular shoe.

"I don't know which shoes brand that funny guy; Ved Prakash wore in another leg. But I am damn sure that whatever shoe he threw was Bata's," said Bata India's Director.

Few other shoe companies, which include Liberty and Relaxo Footwear took different view. Director of Liberty Shoes told India Satire correspondent that the shoe didn't belong to Liberty, as it couldn't hit the target perfectly while director of Relaxo said that the company didn't manufacture leather shoes and if Ved Prakash would have used sports shoes his target could have been perfectly accomplished.

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