Monday 30 November 2015

Turkey promises bombing and invading Russia if European Union asks so

After a historic deal between leaders of the European Union and Turkish premier Ahmet Davutoglu in Brussels on Sunday to stem the flow of migrants to Europe in return for cash, visas and renewed talks on joining the EU, Turkey requested European Union to allow it to bomb and invade entire Russia for the sake of such a kind of wonderful deals.
"It was entertaining experience. You bomb one plane of Russia in our homeland and European Union agrees to take in EU. So if we bomb entire Russia then what would be the deal," asked Ahmet Davutoglu "We are ready to bomb Russia, just tell us when and how. But the deal should be lucrative, cash incentive as well as possession of one country."
Russia is yet to comment on the development while EU is said to have asked Davutoglu to keep his mouth shut till all the environmentally harmful gases release throughout the period of 2015 UN Conference on Climate Change.

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