Wednesday 18 November 2015

Digvijay Singh wary of rising influence of Mani Shankar Aiyar and Salman Khursheed in the Congress Party

Amid the race to reach the position of right and left hand of Sonia and Rahul Gandhi, Digvijay Singh camp is shattered by rising influence of a political duo Mani Shankar Aiyar and Salman Khurshid, said sources in Congress Party. An official source near the senior leadership of the party said that the party leader Digvijay Singh is chalking a strategy to counter balance the rising influence of both the leaders.

"It is disheartening for a senior leader like Diggy Chacha who throughout his life gave all the services without any return when opportunist leaders like Aiyar and Khurshid make such statements. The competition to become right hand of Sonia Madam and Rahul Baba is now intensely fierce and Chacha would do anything to win it," said the source.

Recently, Soniaji after Bihar elections announced a competition "My favourite second child" which if won would receive a certificate of Gandhi family loyalty and designation of right hand of the top party leaders. Runner up would get the designation of left hand of Gandhi family.

"Diggy Chacha was topping the race as his previous statement that 'Soniaji Desh ki Maata hai' made good impression in Madam's eyes. However, recent statements of Mani Shankar Aiyar who begged Pakistan to remove India's PM Narendra Modi and Khurshid's utterance that Pakistan PM Nawaz Sharif is apostle of peace clearly increased their influence. Now Chacha has to think of counter strategies to come back into the race," said the source.

According to secretary of Digvijay Singh, the top leader is expected to call a press conference today to announce few bomb blasting and lamb lambasting statements to come back to the race.

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