Thursday 12 November 2015

Anish Kapoor is a chemically proven weapon to eliminate talibanism from world - Study

A medical study jointly conducted by US and European Institute of Medical Research recommends a chemical weapon with Alpha Omega Beta (AOB) element that only finds in intellectuals where brain only functions to reserve AOB and supplies it to hair while thought process comes from the knee area and for few from their asses. This AOB has tremendous capacity to eliminate talibanism from the world. The study says that the AOB element exceeds the maximal limit in UK based sculptor Anish Kapoor's brain and if used properly against Taliban, he would be very effective. Anish Kapoor recently wrote an article in Guardian about Talibani leadership in India.
"Rather than discussing about Taliban why don't we try to eliminate it from the world? Anish Kapoor has tremendous amount of AOB element in his brain. If we don't use this AOB element properly, the brain uses it for cultivating grey hair on the head. Rather than keeping him wealthy with hair we can take out a lot of AOB element to eliminate talibanism. He could be used as a great chemical weapon. We can inject him into missiles and fire them on the targets of Taliban," said study which advised US and British government to consider putting think tank Anish Kapoor into missiles.
"He could be used as many times as he has hair on his head. AOB is available in human brains only and there is no other natural source. We have never found so much of natural AOB chemical which is planted in Anish Kapoor in any journalist or intellects in the world, not even in Rajdeep Sardesai, Barkha Dutt or any Indian intellectual," confirms study.

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