Wednesday 13 January 2016

Haryana Police arrests Pappu Pandey for laughing on joke on Godman

An aam aadmi Pappu Pandey was arrested by Haryana Police for laughing on the joke made by Piku Sharda on a respected Godman on a television show 'Comedy Tights with Pupil'. Pappu Pandey was held from Timbaktu after Godman's disciples came to know he was laughing while watching the show on the TV.

"What was there in that show for laughing so loudly? We Haryanans never laugh while still this guy was laughing on a joke made on our Godman. We came here to Timbaktu as a complaint was lodged against Pappu for laughing over some unnecessary joke by this Piku," said Haryana Police Inspector Randeep Hooda.

Next time Manmohan Singh will have to think before laughing

It is said that Pappu will be released when the respected Godman would come from his shooting and after that he will consider Pappu's apology and will take back his complaint. According to government sources of India Satire, the government is likely to release the contours of freedom of laughing in just few days.

(P.S.: Reporter of this story was arrested for reporting this story by the disciple of the respected Godman)

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