Monday 4 January 2016

India demands specific dates to be declared much ahead of any India-Pakistan peace talks and terror attacks


Indians demanded specific dates from Government of India to be declared before any peace talks and resultant terror attacks by terrorists. Indians told India Satire correspondent that specific dates in hand would help them evacuate places where terror incidents would happen.

"We have no issues if Indian government wants to do anything to Pakistan but boss before doing it just send us the calendar of Modi's upcoming surprise visits, peace initiations and thereafter resultant dates of terror attacks with specific places where these events going to happen. We don't care what bullshit Pakistan wants to do, we care what Indian government is going to tell us," said an Indian frustrated with an idea that everytime when India initiates peace talks Pak army and terrorists plot terror attack.

"Boss! That is what we know from our childhood. Whenever we are going to offer them friendly hand they would send few nasty terrorists to kill the talks. So if I know this, you know this, government know this, Pakistan know this, its army know this and terrorists know this then why the hell Indians don't know where the terror incident is going to happen. We have no issue if you like them to attack repeatedly on us, but at least tell us they will attack us here or wherever, we can evacuate that place and save our life," Indian told Indian government.

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