Monday 4 January 2016

Mars Orbiter to evacuate Indians and settle them on Mars after Pathankot terror attack

India's Mangalayan (Mars Orbiter) would come back to India and will take all Indians to planet Mars, as Earth remains a major challenge for them and their lives. Government of India told India Satire correspondent that the vicious cycle of cuddling Pakistan government and after that Pakistan army would send terrorists to India to conduct terror attacks should be broken down and therefore it has decided to send all Indians to planet mars and settle them till India's talks with Pakistan successfully completes.

"Hopefully, Pakistan has not reached to mars and therefore we decided to secure Indians from the attacks on India by sending them to mars. Pakistan army and terror outfits are 1000 times stronger than us and we also worry the delicacy of matters. As my father told me in my childhood that we need to continue talks with Pakistan and face the resultant terror attacks, thats fun for Pakistan. But I believe it would be better evacuate Indians from India and send them to mars so that fun would be limited for them," said India's home minister Rajnath Singh.

Rajnath Singh confirmed that talks with Pakistan were important for unknown reasons and therefore to save Indians from unknown attacks government had gone a step ahead by deciding their livelihood at mars.

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