Monday 4 January 2016

Ajit Doval reveals strategy of Pakistan army is to derail peace talks between India and Pakistan

India's National Security Adviser Ajit Doval revealed a shocking input to India Satire correspondent that Pakistan's strategy is to derail India - Pakistan peace talks as per the intelligence inputs he received from Intelligence Bureau and RAW.

"I just came to know this shocking revelation. IB chief and RAW chief personally told me that if India initiates peace talks with Pakistan, Pakistan army asks terrorists to attack India for unknown reasons. And my sources told me that Pakistan is using this strategy for years, however, we Indians were not aware about it," said Ajit Doval.

Doval confirmed that earlier he believed peace talks means something plain vanilla talks, however, he was not aware about this totally a new revelation that Pakistan's army doesn't want these talks to happen and therefore kill innocent Indian citizens.

"Now as we came to know that whenever we initiate peace talk they would certainly send terrorists, we can device a new strategy. See, we will tell them we want to talk and they will send terrorists and we will capture them, this way we can capture thousands of terrorists," said Ajit Doval.

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