Monday 11 January 2016

Mumbai local train commuter unexpectedly realizes he was buffalo in his past life

In a sudden and totally unprecedented turn of event, a Mumbai local train commuter Pappu Pandey realized he was buffalo in his past life and recalled beautiful moments of that life. Pappu was travelling in the Virar to Churchgate local train and got into the train from Borivali station with a lot of efforts.

"Ah! Baaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh Bwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhhhh, said Pappu when he was sandwiched between 4-5 people in the compartment," said an eyewitness who was standing near door of the train "The pressure was so high that he closed his eyes and entered into his past life and started talking in buffalo's language,."

Pappu pleasantly recalled how he was sandwiched between 2-3 buffalos in a cargo train when those compartments were filled with 100s of buffalos that time and how all these buffalos arranged the tight space without irritating others.

"Local train is quite difficult bet," said Pappu in an exclusive interview to India Satire correspondent "Those were the days when we used to feel specific shitty smell and lots of wide space despite more number of buffalo commuters than people in local train. We used to play antaksharis with lots of bwaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh songs just like Arijit Singh. But in my current life, human beings are very pathetic commuters."

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