Tuesday 12 January 2016

Arvind Kejriwal decides to use brain on odd days; rhetoric on even days

Architect of innovative mind, Aam Aadmi Party Chief and Chief Minister of Delhi Arvind Kejriwal finally decided to provide rest to his brain on even days while flow of allegation and rhetoric will not come on odd days. According to AAP sources, Kejriwal has taken this important step to reduce rising thought and noise pollution in Delhi.

"We received a lot of complaints from Delhi people who couldn't cope with the speed of Kejriwal's hyper active brain, which activates every next second. They feel that so much of thinking, ideas and innovations have actually polluted their own minds with jumble the thoughts," said AAP leader Ashish Khetan "Many Delhites told us that they are not yet matured enough to understand ideas that come in Kejriwal's brain. They also feel that they believe Kejriwal's allegations and rhetoric as much as they believe God's words. However, so many propaganda points are difficult for them to digest in one day and therefore they requested Arvind to do something."

Khetan told India Satire correspondent that immediately Arvind Kejriwal's brain started working and found out a new idea that he would allow his brain to think on odd days and create rhetoric on even days. However, this formula will not be applied on his radio and tv ads and they would run each and every minute to keep Delhites aware of his brain is continuously thinking something.

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