Wednesday 30 March 2016

God asks Kanhaiya Kumar to solve Somalian issues first then start new ones

Watching his credibility and role of launching a new freedom movement for something in India, God personally sent his representative to Kanhaiya Kumar asking him to go to Somalia and resolve its pending issues first. The Somali Republic or Somalia is a war torned country in Africa is under dire conditions since the civil war erupt in 1991. God pushed for earliest resolution of Somali war which started from the freedom movement by overthrowing Siad Barre regime.
"These guys always start new kind of nuisance in some fancy name like 'freedom movement', 'revolution', 'rebel' and so on so forth. After starting these useless things they move some other places," said God's Head Clerk Chitragupta who personally came to meet Kanhaiya Kumar, a new star born in India "What star or new star? First tell him to finish the backlog of earlier freedom movements started in Somalia, Egypt, Syria, Lybia, Lebanon and Iraq. How the hell he could start a new movement before finishing off the earlier ones."
Chitragupta informed India Satire correspondent that reason behind Kanhaiya's work on Africa is not grabbing PhD but starting RcD. Enlightening about the new word RcD, Chitragupta said it's Revolution-cum-Destruction of the country.
"These communist mentalities want freedom from everything. Just 2 days back they protested in the heaven for 'freedom from potty'. I want to tell him ki kyo dimaag chaat raha hai yaar," said Chitragupta.
According to sources, during the meeting Kanhaiya Kumar completely denied that he ever heard such a thing called Chitragupta or God and told the representative of God that he is on mission to free world with one country at a time.
"Its not my job to resolve issues. My job is to start new issues. When everybody will become revolutionary, communist and maoist then I will believe that the world is free now," Kanhaiya told Chitragupta.

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