Sunday 27 March 2016

Nostalgic Jihadi remembers his 'suicide bombing - suicide bombing' game of childhood

​Just before bombing one of the parks in Pakistan's province Punjab, Jihadi Al Ashfaq Rehman remembered the suicide bombing - suicide bombing game he played with his childhood friends and became nostalgic, reported Pakistan media.

"He just wiped out his tears from his eyes and confirmed his colleagues that he played this game in his childhood with his best friends," said a source present when the incident happened.

"That time it felt great when we wore that leather belt with small Chinese plastic bombs on it and jumped while shouting dhadaaam dhoooom," said Rehman "But I don't find those friends now. One of my friends joined ISIS, one joined Al-Shabab, and another one is at Lashkar-e-Taiba. I really miss them."

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