Monday 21 December 2015

Hindustan Unilever launches Surf Ultra CauliFlow washing powder to clean cauliflower

Good news for Indian housewives! Now you don't need to worry how to clean dirty cauliflower which is also called phool gobi in english. You neither need to shave it off accurately with your knife nor need you to keep it in steamed or boiling water for one hour. India's leading FMCG company, Hindustan Unilever Ltd. (HUL) has launched a washing powder under the brand namer 'Surf Ultra CauliFlow with extra fairness' yesterday in a packed press conference. The product will be available in all the leading stores and super stores soon. HUL confirmed that the washing powder will be available everywhere in India by January 26, 2016.
"Surf CauliFlow with extra fairness not just cleans your cauliflower but also removes all the germs and provides extra glow and fairness to it," said Pradeep Sharma, marketing and campaign manager of Surf CauliFlow "It has very powerful microgranules and fairness extracts to which cleans every dirty particle and gives fairness to the vegetable."
"See this cauliflower, it is now 99.99% clean and white," Sharma demonstrated the process to India Satire correspondent, Pappu Pandey. He injected an HUL made and HUL used blue colour pen into cauliflower but when removed it became white.

HUL's initiative has received positive response from Indian housewives, reported the correspondent.
"HUL has done a great job for us. It was always a very complicated thing to clean cauliflower and who knows where germs are hiding in that tasteless vegetable," said Maya Mamta, an Indian housewife resident of Kolahabad in WPUB colony "Now cleaning cauliflower is a very easy job for me."
4 Steps/Guide to clean cauliflower using Surf CauliFlow with extra fairness
1)    First take a bowl of warm water add one spoon of surf caulflow powder with microgranules (means granular powder with red, blue, green, and yellow particles) into it and some fairness extract used in HUL's flagship product Fair & Lovely
2)    Don't put even a single granule more into spoon else your cauliflower will become transparent
3)    Put your dirty and ridiculously textured cauliflower into it and keep it somewhere in the bathroom for half an hour
4)    After half an hour remove cauliflower from that dirty mixture clean it with any Vim bar (with Sau Nimbu Waali Shakti) using brush you just some time back used to clean your utensils or clothes
5)    Look at your cauliflower now its best beautiful and extremely fair
So how does the cauliflower cleaning process work by using Surf CauliFlow with extra fairness?
v  Microgranules suck its dirt and what not kind of useless things attached to that hopeless, tasteless and useless cauliflower
v  Fairness extracts along with micro granules remove all the dark blackheads from it and brings back its natural glow and fairness
Disclaimer: If you don't want to do all these things then do whatever things or don't eat it
(Fake News/Satire)

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