Thursday 10 December 2015

Falling TRP of Bigg Boss Season 9 worries Salman Khan; urges to merge Parliament with Bigg Boss

Mumbai: 09-December-2015
(Our correspondent Swati Gupta has taken an exclusive interview of Salman Khan talking about falling TRPs of Bigg Boss Season 9)
Being similar in nature, Bigg Boss Season 9 has become another victim of the big hot Parliamentary entertainment in the current winter season, after director Imtiaz Ali lost his money on the movie Tamasha. Anchor of the show and a popular Bollywood star Salman Khan lost his 25 kg weight and looks pale and weak as the worries about the future of Bigg Boss gasping his brain. Salman khan is getting worried about consistently falling TRP of Big Boss season 9 due to ongoing Winter Session of Parliament. He finds out that viewers find parliamentary sessions more entertaining than Bigg boss. He also discovered that it is because of taking only few conspiring, negative, bitchy people in his show while parliament is full of them is actually reason for more TRP to Parliamentary season.
Salman Khan talks about reasons for his frustration

Frustrated Salman Khan
When I started Bigg Boss along with Colours we had only one thing in mind, conspiracies, bitching and high octane negativity at a one stop. We wanted to put so much of negativity that whenever you watch it you would want to commit suicide. Beginning of the series was very good; a lot of attention was given by you guys to my show. You tolerate my stupid expressions and hopeless jokes, love the dirty entertainment of participants and accepted a porn star introduced by us in mainstream movies. Everything was good; we introduced new-new themes, in line with IPL's idea. We garnered a lot of attention, media coverage which resulted into great TRPs. But now what the fu*k you guys wanted us to do.
Everytime what new entertainment could I provide you? Boss! This is not a Parliament of India. These politicians are made for such entertainment and every season of Parliament has new topic to ponder upon. Lots of conspiracies, negativity and bitchiness in a single season, and that too for four seasons in a year, I don't know how do they manage it. And I understand that it could be the reason why you guys are shifting from Bigg Boss to Parliament. I don't understand how the hell you guys haven't been fed up of Parliamentary entertainment. I wonder about how they are doing this for past 70 years but still the nation is watching these politicians.
Our idea behind broadcasting Bigg Boss was initiated based on the chaos of parliamentary sessions. We thought we would bring a high quality and professionalism in the political entertainment. We wanted to explore the thin line between political entertainers and entertaining politicians. However, today I want to confess that nobody could entertain more than what Parliamentarians do.
So many conspiracies and bitching with added advantage of yells and shouts of politicians make the Parliamentarian session a better show than Bigg Boss. Means you get Bigg Boss and Arnab Goswami at free of cost in one show then why would you go for standalone Bigg Boss. Now you tell me if I am getting an ad free entertainment for at least 6-7 hours why would I watch Bigg Boss. Even given a choice I would like to watch time pass of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha than watching Bigg Boss. Here at Bigg Boss's house we have only few participants with small conspiracies, negativity and bitchiness while everybody in Parliament is made to do that and that's why Parliamentary season is garnering heavy attention and better TRPs. Plus in the evening you get to see that Arnab Goswami who yells and shouts from his underbelly and jumps on his chair at least 10 times in a minute just to prove his crap point on the day's session of Parliament. Tell me is there any reason why somebody would really want to watch crap like Bigg Boss.
Look at the quality of participants. Yaar! On the one hand its Rahul Baba just like our Sanju Baba, a great star material and on the other side his counterpart Aman Verma. Is there a match apart from a bit similar looks? Here is a guy who incidentally is going to answer questions related to National Herald case during the Parliament's season which he was supposed to answer in the court and on the other hand this Verma guy what nobody understands what he wants to say.
Today nation has written off Bigg Boss Season 9 against Parliament's winter season, former which has seen a consistent fall in TRP. I want to say nation that don't be so intolerant and at least think of a season when Bigg Boss gave you Sunny Leone and for that love at least watch it on You Tube.
To organisers and politicians, I request you guys to come together and work on my 4-point suggestion.
1.    Separate the dates of Bigg Boss and Parliamentary session from next season onwards
2.    It is unfair to broadcast 4 seasons of Parliament and 1 of Bigg Boss. Either reduce Parliamentary seasons to 1 or increase Bigg Boss seasons to 4
3.    Boss merge Political industry with Entertainment industry or at least Parliament with Bigg Boss, as concepts and themes of both the shows are similar and participants have almost similar kind of expertise. Then why do we need to have different platforms. See its very thin line between these two industries. You can call them "political entertainers and entertaining politicians".
4.    If you don't want to accept all the three things mentioned above at least give us Rahul Gandhi for every season. That will be enough for us.
For my Bigg Boss fans, if organizers and MPs don't agree above 4 point formula then come on street to support most political, loudest, and most negative show ever have shown on general entertainment channel, that is Bigg Boss

P.S.: Our correspondent also interviewed Director Sanjay Leela Bhansali who also decorated both Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha in his favorite DARK GREEN and DARK RED colors respectively. Sanjay Leela Bhansali told our correspondent that he requested Indian Government to allow the promotion of Bajirao Mastani in the Parliament as latter has more TRPs and also his favourite colours in the show.
(All inputs reported by our special correspondent Swati Gupta from Mumbai)

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